In the world of Red Rising, the science fiction series by Pierce Brown, society has created a color coded caste system. The Red Society is the worker caste, the unskilled manual laborers at the lowest rung of society.
Details: The Red symbol charm is made in sterling silver and measures 22 mm tall, 11.2 mm at the widest point, and 1.5 mm thick. The charm weighs approximately 1.8 grams. The charm includes an un-soldered sterling silver jump ring. The back of the Red Society charm is textured and stamped with our makers mark, copyright, and metal content.
Finishing Options: Antiqued, Red Enameled. (Red Ceramic Plating has been discontinued.)
Packaging: This item's standard packaging is a satin pouch and a card of authenticity. Standard packaging is subject to availability and will be substituted with a suitable alternative if unavailable.
Production: We are a made-to-order company. Your order will ship in 5 to 10 business days if the item is not in stock.
Be sure to check out our accessories page for additions to your charm: CLICK HERE