The Court of the Dead, the original series by Sideshow Collectibles, tells the story of the war between Heaven and Hell. The monetary system of The Underworld features coins that represent each of the factions of the court.
Details: The front of the Bone Faction coin features a four eyed skull on a decorative disk surrounded by a pentagon engraved in the language of the Underworld. Five evenly spaced spikes connect the skull to the pentagon. The Court of the Dead coin is officially licensed with Sideshow Collectibles. The Bone Faction coin measures 31.4 mm long, 31.4 mm wide, and 4.8 mm at the thickest point. The coins weighs 9.1 grams.
Packaging: This item comes packaged in a satin pouch. Includes Card of Authenticity.
Production: We are a made-to-order company. Your order will ship in 5 to 10 business days if the item is not in stock.