In the world of Pierce Brown's science fiction series, Red Rising, society has created a color coded caste system. The Red Society is the worker caste, the unskilled manual laborers bound together by by family and mutual sacrifice.
Details: The Red symbol is solid sterling silver and measures 30 mm tall, 15.2 mm at the widest point, and 2.4 mm thick. The symbol weighs 3.9 grams. The back of the Red Society pendant is textured and stamped with our makers mark, copyright, and metal content - sterling.
Finishing Options: Antiqued sterling silver, red enamel. (Red ceramic plating has been discontinued.)
Chain Options: 24" long stainless steel curb chain, 24" long black leather cord (additional $5.00), or 20" long sterling silver 1.2 mm box chain (additional $25.00). Additional chains are available on our accessories page.
Packaging: This item's standard packaging is a Badali Jewelry necklace box and a card of authenticity. Standard packaging is subject to availability and will be substituted with a suitable alternative if unavailable.
Production: We are a made-to-order company. Your order will ship in 5 to 10 business days if the item is not in stock.
"Red Rising”, and the characters and places therein, are trademarks of Pierce Brown under license to Badali Jewelry. All Rights Reserved.
I Want 2
I am going to buy another. I love this so much it's the perfect size that I can wear it with anything. It's durable and beautiful.