In Pierce Brown's science fiction series, Red Rising, humanity has created a social order ranked by color codes. Golds are the highest, Reds are the lowest, and the Blues are Astronavigators and the pilots for society.
Details: The Blue symbol pendant is antiqued yellow bronze and measures 36.9 mm tall including bail, 34.9 mm wide, and 2.8 mm thick. The pendant weighs 12.4 grams. The back of the pendant is textured and stamped with our makers mark and copyright.
Chain Options: 24" long gold plated rope chain or a 24" long black leather cord (additional $5.00). Additional chains are available on our accessories page.
Packaging: This item's standard packaging is a satin pouch and a card of authenticity. Standard packaging is subject to availability and will be substituted with a suitable alternative if unavailable.
Production: We are a made-to-order company. Your order will ship in 5 to 10 business days if the item is not in stock.