In the science fiction series Red Rising, by Pierce Brown, humanity has created a social order ranked by color codes. Golds are the highest, Reds are the lowest, and the Pinks are pleasure slaves and social functionaries.
Details: The Pink symbol charms are solid sterling silver and measure 16.7 mm tall, 18.4 mm wide, and 2 mm thick. The earrings weigh 4.4 grams (2.2 grams each). The backs of the symbols are textured and stamped with our makers mark, copyright, and metal content. Includes sterling silver ear wires.
Finishing Options: Antiqued Sterling Silver or Pink Enameled Sterling Silver.
Packaging: This item comes packaged in a jewelry box with a card of authenticity.
Production: We are a made-to-order company. Your order will ship in 5 to 10 business days if the item is not in stock.